Msikaba Bridge
Msikaba Bridge
Tahle, Eastern Cape, South Africa
636 feet high / 194 meters high
1,903 foot span / 580 meter span
The beautiful Msikaba Bridge is scheduled to become the second longest span crossing ever constructed on the African Continent with a tower to tower distance of 580 meters. Only the Maputo-Catembe Bridge in Mozambique will be longer, having opened in 2018 with a suspension span of 680 meters. The new cable stayed bridge will also become the third highest bridge in Africa with a deck 194 meters high. This drop is exceeded only by the 216 meter high Bloukrans Bridge and the 223 meter high Mtentu Bridge, also located on the new N2 tollway bypass road.
The Msikaba and Mtentu Bridges are part of an improvement to the older N2 Wild Coast Toll Road that will be 85 kilometers shorter and 3 hours faster. Designed by DISSING+WEITLING, the concrete structure will have a deck 22.8 meters wide with walkways on both edges.
The ground anchored back spans are composed of 34 pairs of stay cables. Anchor blocks measure 49 meters long and are 17.2 meters deep.
The Msikaba Bridge will eventually have walkways added to both edges of the deck.
Msikaba Bridge arch proposal.
Msikaba Bridge suspension proposal.
Msikaba Bridge location map.