Jinghe Dam Footbridge
Jinghe Dam Footbridge
Yanxiazhen, Shaanxi, China
(656) feet high / (200) meters high
(689) foot span / (210) meter span
Built in advance of the construction of the giant Dongzhuang Dam over the Jinghe River, this suspension footbridge was a substantial structure open to the public that existed for more than a decade before being torn down for the construction of the giant Jinghe Dam located just 100 meters upstream. The view of the 200 meter vertical cliffs of the abyss-like Jing River gorge made this one of the most amazing scenic spots in all of Shaanxi Province for those lucky to have experienced it.
The Jinghe Dam Footbridge is one of just 2 bridges in Northern China to have ever exceeded 200 meters in height and was the highest bridge ever built in Shaanxi Province.
The footbridge was unique for having only one tower with a hillside anchorage on the opposite slope making the main cable span length reportedly 210 meters or 36 meters longer then the suspended deck span length of 174 meters.
The 2-lane, Y-shaped steel through Dongzhuang Dam arch bridge with a span of 220 meters is located just 500 meters downstream of the dam.
Access paths were cut into the cliffs for the preparation of the dam site.
a high green fence was added to the bridge several years after it was completed.
Dongzhuang Dam image.
Facts on the dam and footbridge.
Dongzhuang Dam Bridge located 500 meters downstream of the dam.
Jinghe Dam Footbridge satellite image with a dashed line showing the location of the defunct footbridge.
Jinghe Dam Footbridge location map.