Nanxihe Railway Bridge

Revision as of 17:52, 7 September 2021 by Sakowski (talk | contribs)
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Nanxihe Railway Bridge
Yuanjiang, Yunnan, China
446 feet high / 136 meters high
420 foot span / 128 meter span

Nanxihe and Hongguang from above.jpg

Nanxihe Railway Bridge is one of several giant beam spans on the Yuxi to Mohan Railway in Yunnan Province that is eventually expected to connect the large cities of Kunming, China with Bangkok, Thailand. The most famous crossing on the route is the colossal Yuanjiang Railway Bridge with piers 154 meters tall and the highest truss span in the world at 223 meters.

Nanxihe Railway Bridge at Km 109 has a central span configuration of 2x128 meters on piers as tall as 125 meters.

Nanxihe and Hongguang.jpg

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Yuanjiang Nanxihe and Hongguang.jpg

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Hongguang crossroad and Nanxihe railway bridge.jpg



Nanxihe Railway Bridge is at the bottom with the giant Yuanjiang Railway Bridge at the top satellite image.


Nanxihe Railway Bridge Location map.

Yuanjiang to Manhao West Map.jpg
