Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge
Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge
Chengde, Hebei, China
(361) feet high / (110) meters high
(722) foot span / (220) meter span
Image by Eeyore.
Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge crosses a spectacular gorge within the Xinglongshan Scenic area. Also within this popular tourist spot is a ropeway, cliff elevator and numerous glass cliffwalks. The area can be easily reached via the G25 Expressway.
The central glass section of the bridge is approximately 150 meters long. The deck structure is an unusually wide 6 meters with the glass section approximately 2 meters wide.
There is also a smaller footbridge with a span of approximately 50 meters just west of the Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge.
Image by Eeyore.
Image by Eeyore.
Image by Eeyore.
Image by Eeyore.
Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge satellite image.
Xinglongshan Glass Footbridge location map.