Lagonegro Bridge
Lagonegro Bridge
Viadotto Lagonegro
Lagonegro, Basilicata, Italy
(180) feet high / (55) meters high
(98) foot span / (30) meter span
Image by Davide Rattacaso.
Lagonegro has a history of high bridges that started in 1929 with the completion of the 55 meter high Lagonegro Railway Bridge located just south of town on the narrow gauge Ferrovia Lagonegro-Castrovillari-Spezzano Albanese line. The six arch viaduct became the most iconic engineering achievement on the line before part of the south end of the crossing was damaged in 1952 from a landslide.
Five tall piers support the parabolic arches the highest of which leads into a mountain tunnel that became misaligned from the bridge from a mountain slide. This severed service between Lagonegro and Rivello which was replaced with bus service. In 1970 and 1973 other sections of the line closed with the final section running the last trains in 1978. In 1984 the tracks were removed sealing the fate of the Ferrovia Lagonegro-Castrovillari-Spezzano Albanese line.
In 1973 the steel box beam Serra Bridge opened on the new A3 Autostrada north of town with a height of 122 meters.
Pietre Bianchi Bridge is one of Italy's largest concrete arches with a span of approximately 140 meters. The 90 meter high crossing connects the 2-lane route SS585 with the town of Lagonegro.
Image by Davide Rattacaso.
Image by Davide Rattacaso.
Image by Davide Rattacaso.
Image by Claudio Mazzei.
Image by Mario De Prisco.
Image by Mario De Prisco.
Image by N.Fuscaldo.
Image by M.Cacozza.
Image by Francesco Leo.
Image by Francesco Leo.
Image by Francesco Leo.
Image by Francesco Leo.
Image by Lisa Prioreschi.
Lagonegro Bridge satellite image.
Lagonegro Bridge location map.